Monday, 29 September 2008


Ok well, not much to say really. It's a zoo lol. Fun trip though!

Work is hard. So far I have signed up 7 new Greenpeace members in 2 days; not too shabby. Gonna stick with it for a while, so no interesting photos for a few months perhaps :<

Tuesday, 23 September 2008


It took a week but I have secured a job! Gonna be working for Greenpeace on the streets of Auckland raising awareness about the environment etc. If I'm good at it will get to travel the whole country with them, so, wish me luck!

Sunday, 21 September 2008

Haruru Falls

Went on a 12km hike yesterday afternoon to and from some spectacular waterfalls. Leaving Northland today :< I will miss it, was a lovely trip.

Bay of Islands

Went on a boat trip yesterday around the Bay of Islands searching for dolphins - and we found some! We weren't allowed to swim with them though since they had some baby dolphins in the pod, but oh well still kewl.

Saturday, 20 September 2008

Northland Exploration part 2

Same day as previous blog post - We went to a lovely little beach for lunch, Fred and I had a little dip in the ocean before we ate though! (Christ it was cold :D)
Then the best part of the day - SANDBOARDING!!! Omg the most fun activity to date, grabbing a small surf board and dragging it up an 80 foot sand dune. Then hurtling down it!!! I fell off my first time, but managed it the next two times! Got absolutely covered with sand in every pore though, yuck!
We then moved on to the Ninety Mile Beach (No it's not 90 miles long, ask me why it's called that when I get back), and saw some fine scenery, and a seal + some wild horses.
Very busy!

Northland Exploration part 1

Busy day today - first off went to a forest with some VERY large trees (thanks to Nate for being a super model lol), then headed to the most northern point of New Zealand, complete with lighthouse. Was interesting seeing the Pacific meet the Tasman sea - all photos shown were taken within 5 minutes of each other - the turquoise colour sea is the Tasman, whilst the grey one is the Pacific (which incidentally was actually warmer). Massive difference between the two oceans, quite wierd.

Road to Paihia

Took a trip with Stray Travel up Northland way, and got to meet a real Kiwi! Note: it's incredibly rare to get this close to a Kiwi; bear in mind to stroke one.

And it's sunny up north! Weeee!

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Sky Towerrrrrr

Tall tower is tall....

Monday, 15 September 2008

Arrival in New Zealand

Right, arrival in New Zealand! Landed in Auckland 12pm Monday and went to see a dormant volcano in the middle of the city - coincidentally where the All Blacks train endurance by running up the hill.

Sitting in ACB (Auckland Central Backpackers) at the moment which is fairly massive. Sorting out work and tax thingys this morning, hopefully get some work sorted soonish.

Kinda wanting to get out the city sharpish and see some landscapes. Hopefully happening in next couple of days.

Oh first photo was a bronze circular thingy showing distances to various world cities - 18,339km to London. Think that's about as far away as I can get from home :)

Hong Kong Fooey

Well, Hong Kong was disgustingly humid and hot, but was fun nonetheless! Photos from top left to bottom right -
1. Waterfront first night (after being awake for about 40 hours, eugh)
2. View from Victoria Peak (a mountain in Hong Kong)
3. Amazing floating restaurant seen from a sampan (small boat) ride
4. Me enjoying a Dragonfruit! Actually quite tasty Asian fruit :D

Was a really nice stopover just to meet everyone on the trip, even if it was 30 degrees warm at night. I felt a bit bad after spending both nights out in a British pub lol, kinda defeated the point of going to an Asian country but oh well.