Wednesday 15 October 2008

Holy shizbot

Right, so, things are progressing well for moi at the moment! Have just learnt that I will be going on a Travel Team trip with Greenpeace for a week to spread the word, which is excellent - they only put people on travel team who they think are good, so, weee!

Annoyingly the trip is up north to where I have already been lol, but nonetheless it is a good oppurtunity AND more importantly there will now be decent photo oppurtunites! Wahey!

Think I'll be heading off on Sunday or Monday; will try to update blog next week with progress and whatnot.

Other than that, been fairly laid back down here recently. Saw England get thrashed in netball by NZ on Monday, (26 - 65) did sum kareoke last night, and off to see some dueling pianos on Thursday, which basically involves 2 grand pianos and 2 guys competing to play the best tunes! I of course will be requesting ridiculously complicated classical pieces for them :D

Hope things are well back home!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, promotion! Well done!

Didn't know you were into netball, or karaoke for that matter: travel must be broadening your mind...

All well here, your room has been redecorated (same colour scheme as before, you won't notice the difference) and we're now thinking of replacing the bed: any views?

